
Careers guidance at Stafford Grammar School begins as soon as students join the senior school. Our Careers programme takes pupils on a journey of self-understanding and discovery.  

Careers sessions are delivered through our Life and Wellbeing programme, as well as through assemblies, drop down days and our ‘Be Someone’ tutor programme. Careers education is also embedded across the curriculum and every department has a Teacher Careers Champion, who can offer support relating to their subject area. The careers education of every pupil is logged using the Start careers platform, and parents are encouraged to share in their child’s journey online. 

Science Lessons at Stafford Grammar

From Year 7, pupils are introduced to a wide range of career possibilities and are taught about employability skills. They are encouraged to identify their strengths and interests and link them to potential careers. As they move through the school, pupils are supported in making informed choices at each stage of their education. For example, a Careers Day in Year 9 gives pupils confidence in the GCSE Options process and connects them to the world of work. 

We are fortunate to have an enthusiastic parental and alumni network who contribute to our programme on a whole-school and individual pupil level. Our students use careers sites and enjoy visits from a range of speakers to help them explore a wide range of careers options. Our Year 10 students attend the World Skills UK Show at the Birmingham NEC to explore different careers paths and all Year 11 pupils undertake work experience placements.

Our Sixth Form students have a full afternoon each week to explore careers and university options. There is usually a guest speaker representing a university or apprenticeship, as well as visitors from business and industry to share their experiences. We also hold panels of former students so that our current sixth formers can ask questions and gain first-hand insights into life and university and work.

Pupil looking into a microscope

We hold a biennial Higher Education and Careers Fair, where many universities, careers and professions are represented and pupils from Years 9 to Upper Sixth, as well as external visitors, can speak to university representatives and professionals. Sixth Form students also engage in other careers experiences through societies such as the law society and the medical society, which often includes former students and parents whose professional expertise and unique perspective and understanding of students at Stafford Grammar School is invaluable. 

Pupils benefit from an independent Careers Advisor, who delivers presentations to younger students and undertakes individual interviews with every Year 11 pupil and those who request interviews in Year 12. The independence of our advisor is important, as it allows pupils to explore their own needs in confidence. To read our Careers Policy please click here.

For more information please email the Head of Pupil Programmes (PSHEE & Careers), Mrs Griffiths: [email protected]